Hey newsletter readers!

I hope you’re reading this after a warm and joyful holiday spent with family and friends. Hopefully, you’re also finding time this week to relish in some relaxation and reflection on 2024!

While I’m in the office, using this quiet week to wrap up some projects and get a jump on others, I’m filled with excitement as I look ahead to the next year.

As you may have seen in the section above, we recently received our strategic plan after investing many hours into building it. The full version is a detailed 25-page playbook filled with action items and timelines aimed at fulfilling objectives in our five main priority areas. This plan will guide me in positioning BBDC for continued success and ensuring we remain a catalyst for positive development in Box Butte County. But a plan is only as effective as the mindset and approach we bring to it.

For me, this approach is partially informed by a personal practice I’ve implemented each year in my professional roles: choosing a Word of the Year to provide underlying direction and focus. For 2025, I’ve chosen the word AMPLIFY.

I’ve always strived to bring a positive outlook to my work, and when I first stepped into the role of BBDC Executive Director, one of my long-term goals I set is to encourage a positive shift in our community mindset.

According to Merriam-Webster, amplify means “to increase the strength or amount of.”

This word resonates deeply with me because I believe strongly in the power of positive feedback loops: small successes leading to larger ones, one building on the other. For me, amplify captures this idea succinctly.

In 2025, I will amplify strategic actions of BBDC and amplify positive efforts already taking root in Box Butte County. By doing so, we’ll propel development forward and build upon the positive outcomes we’ve been working hard to achieve.

Here’s to a year of AMPLIFICATION—let’s make 2025 a powerful and impactful year for our community!

Do you have a similar practice when it comes to each new year? Or is there something that we should be amplifying or celebrating in 2025? Please let me know, I’m always happy to chat and celebrate more! Call 308.762.1800, email bbdcdirector@bbc.net, or stop in to 502 Box Butte (Hemingford Village office on most Tuesdays) and let’s talk!

Sincerely, and with best wished for the new year, 

Hannah Robinson

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